Role in the project: WP6 Leader

Description : Aurora Rizzo is Senior Researcher at the CNR-Nanotec. After the PhD in Materials and Innovative Technologies, Salento University, with a thesis on “Hybrid Colloidal Nanocrystal Organic Based LEDs”, in 2008 she joined Prof. Inganäs’ group, Linköping University. In 2010, she was hired as CNR researcher setting up the Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV) Lab, of which she is responsible. In 2015 she was granted with the SIR-MIUR project “2D ECO Two-Dimensional Colloidal Metal Dichalcogenides based Energy-Conversion Photovoltaics”. Since then, she was responsible of several projects for the development of innovative materials, mainly metal halides perovskite, for optic and optoelectronic applications.
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