Services Catalogue
The combination of capabilities and services offered by the I-PHOQS partners with their many years of experience on the research topics covered constitutes the core of the project. I-PHOQS operates as a single platform integrating complementary frontier technologies, which enable the network to act and appear as a truly national infrastructure (connecting Northern and Southern facilities) seamlessly integrated on a European scale. I-PHOQS enable investigations aimed at understanding matter and its interactions in nature over wide ranges of distances, energies and time scales, combining multiple simultaneous probes within complementary methodological approaches.I-PHOQS strengthens Italy's leadership position and competitiveness in scientifically and industrially relevant sectors, such as biophotonics, advanced spectroscopy, extreme photonics, quantum sensing and communication, and green photonics. I-PHOQS enable users, from academia and industry, to perform cutting-edge and technically challenging laser and matter-based experiments in the most suitable installations. An extensive training program is planned to foster the mobility of students and young researchers. IPHOQS has the aim of producing innovations in various areas of science and technology. The identification of key exploitable results of commercial interest will be a clearly important objective, implemented through innovation management and industry relations.