Photonic and Quantum sciences are unique tools strengthening innovation, industry and economy. EU aims to take the lead of these two strategic key enabling technologies with a disruptive innovation potential. I-PHOQS realises this ambition thanks to the funding of the European Union – Next Generation EU in the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.
I-PHOQS is the largest Italian Facility Network, offering full access to national and international users from academia and industry, conceived to foster inter-disciplinary research in most domains of science.
The Network will develop and make available a remarkable number of experimental set-ups and instrumentations well beyond the current state of the art, thus reaching a large and cross-cutting community of users.
The I-PHOQS facilities enable investigations in unexplored areas, combining matter and light over unprecedented ranges of distances, energies, and time scales, using novel methodological approaches.
More specifically, this innovative concept of Integrated Research Infrastructure combines technologies in a wide variety of domains, such as: Novel Laser sources in extreme spectral regions, e.g. from XUV to THz, in extreme conditions (from single photons to high-energy laser pulses, down to attosecond time scales) to probe matter in an extremely wide range of thermodynamic conditions; nanofabrication and state-of-the-art diagnostic facilities for semiconductors and optoelectronics; full coverage of quantum science, from quantum simulation with ultracold matter and quantum computing and communication, to quantum sensing and quantum metrology.
I-PHOQS is implemented with the participation of a large number of doctoral students and young researchers, recruited to take advantage of a unique opportunity for training and professional development at the frontiers of science and technology.
The project is jointly realised by the National Research Council (CNR) and the Politecnico of Milano and is coordinated by the National Institute of Optics of CNR.