WP9 – Innovation Management and Industry Relations

I-PHOQS plans to perform technology transfer activities targeting both well established stakeholders and young researchers / enterpreneurs for the pre-incubation of new ideas. The I-PHOQS partners all have strong links with industrial stakeholders and policy makers: for example, CNR-IMM in Catania with STMICROELECTRONICS and ENEL GREEN POWER on microelectronics and photovoltaics; POLIMI-CUSBO, with MPD (SME focused on SPADs), INNOVATEC S.p.A. (energy efficiency and circular economy), and with the Standardization Body IEC-ISO in the area of clinical oximeters. Moreover, the I-PHOQS partners have tight connection with major Italian Universities, with a large access to talented students. We recall the cases of the several startups enucleated at POLIMI-CUSBO: PIONIRS S.r.L., Cambridge Raman Imaging, and NIREOS srl. Given such premises, the WP will concern activities assessing the commercial potential of new findings and definition of Key Exploitable Results, Securing patent and intellectual property rights, and Pre-incubation to KER development.

Workpackage Leader: Salvatore Lombardo