I-PHOQS Lectures: “Introduction to Cold-Atom Based Quantum Simulation and Light-Matter Interfaces” (June 4-6)
29 May 2024I-PHOQS 2nd Scouting Day on July 17th
12 July 2024Research communication and internationalisation, economic management models, open science, standardization of performance indices, funding to guarantee service continuity, identification of stakeholders, the role of the Research Infrastructure Manager (RIM): these are some of the topics addressed during the meeting held yesterday in Rome between the 38 managers of as many Italian infrastructures financed by the EU and the PNRR, promoted by the main Italian research bodies and universities.
An event that brings together the effort to concretely open up research using innovative organizational models and methodologies, as well as reinterpreting research services in a managerial logic, developing food for thought for the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) that can be used in formulation of future strategies and programs.
The Infrastructure Manager is in fact a figure responsible for guiding innovation through pervasive access to the integrated research system – and infrastructure in particular – involving companies, students, citizens, political decision makers, providing them with data, models, analyses for the disruptive development of research in the socio-economic, biomedical, environmental, agri-food, social sciences and cultural heritage fields, but more generally of scientific culture in Italy.
The work of the next few months will be challenging: integrating the experiences gained so far with good international practices, to redesign the offer of research infrastructure services, as a “scientific, economic and social heritage” of the country system. A single access point (one-stop-shop) to Italian Research Infrastructures, sustainable and resilient in the long term, serving communities.
Empowering Innovation: Sustainable Research Infrastructures for All.