The quantum cascade laser turns thirty and was celebrated at the latest edition of the International Quantum Cascade Laser School and Workshop (IQCLSW) and the Mid […]
The instrument exploits the phenomenon of optical levitation to “trap” glass nanospheres with light inside it, thanks to which it is possible to simultaneously observe phenomena […]
Paolo De Natale, scientific coordinator of Iphoqs and former director of the National Institute of Optics of the National Research Council, has been appointed member of […]
The quantum cascade laser turns thirty and was celebrated at the latest edition of the International Quantum Cascade Laser School and Workshop (IQCLSW) and the Mid […]
The instrument exploits the phenomenon of optical levitation to “trap” glass nanospheres with light inside it, thanks to which it is possible to simultaneously observe phenomena […]
Paolo De Natale, scientific coordinator of Iphoqs and former director of the National Institute of Optics of the National Research Council, has been appointed member of […]