I-PHOQS Infrastructure is excited to announce the third webinar in the Complementary Skills series of webinars on February 13th at 15.00. The webinar will be based on […]
PhD students enrolling in I-PHOQS have access to lectures designed to broaden their experise on cutting-edge research subjects. The format comprises both individual lectures and short […]
I-PHOQS Infrastructure is excited to announce the second webinar in the Complementary Skills series of webinars on December 10th at 15.00. The second complementary skills seminar will […]
I-PHOQS Infrastructure is excited to announce the first webinar in the Complementary Skills series of webinars. This will be a demonstration of the relevant design software, […]
I-PHOQS Infrastructure is thrilled to invite all the infrastructure’s members, PhDs and students to the School on New Trends in Photonics Applications. This immersive event will […]
We are excited to announce our next training lectures, titled “Introduction to Cold-Atom Based Quantum Simulation and Light-Matter Interfaces,” scheduled for June 4-6. This seminar is […]
We are happy to inform you of the upcoming I-PHOQS Doctoral School Week on “Extreme Plasmonics and Optical Metamaterials” which will be open to all PhD […]
Workshop on diffuse optics Politecnico di Milano – Physics Department, 15-17 November 2023 See the programme More info: https://www.fisi.polimi.it/it/news/i-phoqs-platform-training–9 contact: ilaria.bargigia@polimi.it and daniela.comelli@polimi.it
I-PHOQS Infrastructure is excited to announce the third webinar in the Complementary Skills series of webinars on February 13th at 15.00. The webinar will be based on […]
PhD students enrolling in I-PHOQS have access to lectures designed to broaden their experise on cutting-edge research subjects. The format comprises both individual lectures and short […]
I-PHOQS Infrastructure is excited to announce the second webinar in the Complementary Skills series of webinars on December 10th at 15.00. The second complementary skills seminar will […]
I-PHOQS Infrastructure is excited to announce the first webinar in the Complementary Skills series of webinars. This will be a demonstration of the relevant design software, […]
I-PHOQS Infrastructure is thrilled to invite all the infrastructure’s members, PhDs and students to the School on New Trends in Photonics Applications. This immersive event will […]
We are excited to announce our next training lectures, titled “Introduction to Cold-Atom Based Quantum Simulation and Light-Matter Interfaces,” scheduled for June 4-6. This seminar is […]
We are happy to inform you of the upcoming I-PHOQS Doctoral School Week on “Extreme Plasmonics and Optical Metamaterials” which will be open to all PhD […]
Workshop on diffuse optics Politecnico di Milano – Physics Department, 15-17 November 2023 See the programme More info: https://www.fisi.polimi.it/it/news/i-phoqs-platform-training–9 contact: ilaria.bargigia@polimi.it and daniela.comelli@polimi.it